Christmas Cantata 2018

December 15, 2018

On Sabbath, December 15, 2018, we celebrated the Birth of Jesus with a Cantanta presented by the Worcester SDA Choir and the 1st Congregational Church of Boylston. Once again the choirs were guided by the baton of Sharon Blair and our very own pianist Charles Nwachuku. Narrators from the Boylston Congragational Church gave excellent readings. Our church was filled by the Grace of God and His Word was brought forth in song.

Fellowshp dinner followed the divine service. Because of the dedication of both church members all who attended were fed with spiritual and physical food. Norma and Steve Wellman worked hard with Ruben Archilla in the kitchen, giving their time while the Cantata was in service. Many thanks to all who gave of their time.

CD Copies of the music can be made availble upon request. Click on the names of the songs below to listen to the individual songs.

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Opening - Glory of Christmas

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Prepare the Way of the Lord

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Child of Promise, Child of Love

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Jesus is Born Tonight

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Christ is Born this Holy Night

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Guide Us to the Perfect Night

Worcester & Boylston Choir: The Glory of Christmas

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Video Program Part 1

Worcester & Boylston Choir: Video Program Part 2